Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Chronicle of a Death Foretold TASKS

  1. Kitty Genovese Activity—In your journals, write three questions using the following parameters: WE WILL BE DISCUSSING THESE IN CLASS!

a)     CLOSE-ENDED QUESTION:  Write a question about the text that will help everyone in the class come to an agreement about events or characters in the articles.  This type of question usually has a “correct” answer.

b)    OPEN-ENDED QUESTION:  Write an insightful question about the articles that will require proof and group discussion and “construction of logic” to discover or explore the answer to the question.

c)     WORLD CONNECTION QUESTION:  Write a question connecting these news stories to your world.  (How does this affect the way you see the world, how you might react, how you look at other events you read and experience?)

  1. Magical Realism:  Write a paragraph of what you understand magical realism to be.  What’s the definition?  Why is it used?  What’s its history?  Also, add any questions you still may have after reading the article.

  1. Make a collection of cryptic quotes (quotes that have more than one possible interpretation.) Find at least 2 from each chapter, and provide your best interpretation with each one.  You can do this through post-in noting if you’d like, but be able to get to them quickly for discussion!


Because we want you to be ready to actively participate in each group’s chapter presentation, you’ll need to be finished re-reading the book by the day each group presents.  Thus, you’ll see on the calendar that there are some days you are required to blog on TWO chapters.  As a result, we moved the blog COMMENTING until the end.  Some days you will have two posts—but you will not ALSO have to comment those days.  The total count is this: five blog posts—one per chapter—and TWO replies (to be done after you’ve re-read the entire book)=SEVEN TOTAL ENTRIES (to be completed on time, of course).

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